
Libyan Army in possession of Serbian air defense system

On Wednesday, the Russian media revealed a new weapon in the possession of the Libyan National Army (LNA), which is a Serbian-made Morava air defense system.

photo: ministry of defence Serbia

The Russian Zevzda channel, citing its sources, stated that the new defense system was seen during maneuvers by units of the Tariq Bin Ziyad Brigade of the Libyan National Army.

 According to the channel’s sources, these weapons were received by the Libyan Army from the United Arab Emirates, which owns part of these Serbian defense systems and was said to have been transferred to Libya and handed over to the LNA.

Some photos of the system were later shared on social media, as it showed the missile defense system in an undisclosed desert area.

The Morova defense system is distinguished by its ability to use ammunition of different calibers, including 128 mm and 122 mm ammunition, in addition to its ability to use 197 mm rockets.

The Libyan National Army has yet to comment on the reports; however, if true, this would not be the first time that they have received a new air defense system in the last year.

Previously, the Libyan National Army showcased its Russian-made Pantsir-S1 air defense system during their battles with the Turkish-backed forces.


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