
Israeli PM vows to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear military capabilities

Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennet on Thursday said that Israel is determined "to prevent Iran from having nuclear military capabilities."

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Bennet made the remarks during a meeting with visiting German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, during which they discussed the "Iranian nuclear threat," said a statement issued by the Israeli PM's office.

During a meeting held earlier the day, Israel's President Reuven Rivlin praised Steinmeier as "a strong partner in the uncompromising fight against antisemitism," saying the German president has stood with Israel against "the forces of terror who seek to wipe us off the map."

Steinmeier reiterated Germany's view that the two-state solution is the only way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, adding that Iran must be prevented from acquiring nuclear weapons, the source reported.

Steinmeier arrived in Israel on Wednesday for a visit aiming to further strengthen the "close and unique relations" between the two allies.


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