
Vehicles set ablaze amid clashes in Paris over Macron's new COVID laws

Police shot tear gas at protesters in Paris during violent demonstrations against France's new COVID laws.

Photo: Tasnim

Hundreds of cafe owners, hospital workers and parents, some chanting 'Liberty! Liberty!', took to the French capital on Bastille Day to rebel against President Emmanuel Macron's controversial plans that were introduced this week to tackle the nation's surging coronavirus cases.

Large crowds were confronted by riot police, who fired tear gas to try to disperse the advancing group. Protesters and police kicked the tear gas canisters at each other, and cyclists calmly weaved through the crowd.

In April, Macron promised vaccine passports would 'never be used to divide' the French. But, by mid-July, the French premier is demanding concerts, hospitality venues and more to check for proof of vaccination status or a negative PCR test in a bid to boost the nation's vaccination rates.

Restrictions will expand by August, meaning families going out for dinner, public transport passengers and care home visitors will all require proof of a negative test or vaccine.

On September 15, it will become mandatory for healthcare workers and carers to receive a coronavirus vaccine - with threats of termination of employment should they refuse.

Source: Tasnim

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