
Iran Extracts 400,000 Barrels Per Day From Joint Azadegan Oilfield, Report Says

Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh said that Iran extracts 400,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) from the Azadegan joint oilfield, media reported on Thursday.


Speaking at the inauguration ceremony on oil projects in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, Zanganeh said that in the previous years the figure has been 70,000 bpd, as reported by the IRNA news agency.

Azadegan oilfield, located in the southwestern region of Karoun, is one of the five major oilfields of Iran that are bordering with Iraq. The oilfield is separated into two sections — southern and northern — and has estimated oil-in-place reserves of about 33.2 billion barrels, according to Iranian media.

Earlier in the day, Iranian President Hassan Thinaugurated three national oil projects that would provide employment to 850 people, emphasizing the country's economic resilience and self-reliance. The Iranian president has been opening various new national projects across the country to boost the national economy.


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