
Iran warns response to nuclear scientist’s assassination will be ‘severe’

Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami said on Monday that “the response to the assassination of Fakhrizadeh is coming and is inevitable, and it will be severe.”


“The assassination of the scientist Fakhrizadeh will not pass without a response,” Hatami said during the funeral of the late Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.The minister warned the party behind the assassination of Fakhrizadeh, saying: “No assassination, no crime, or any foolish act against Iran will pass without a response, and we will pursue the perpetrators of the Fakhrizadeh’s assassination until the end, and they will pay severely,” affirming that “Iran will pursue the perpetrators of a crime.”

“The assassination, and those who planned it, and those who stand behind them, until they receive their punishment.”

He continued, “The enemy has not been able to use the military option against Iran over the past four decades,” explaining that “the military option against Iran is now under the table.”

Hatami stressed, “The assassination of the scientist Fakhrizadeh will not stop the march of the country’s nuclear program, but will accelerate its pace,” noting that “the budget for the Center for Scientific Research and Technology in Iran, which was headed by Fakhrizadeh, “will be twice as high for the next world.”

The Iranian Minister of Defense indicated that his country “will continue to fight terrorism in Syria and Iraq, and is proud of that.”

On Friday, November 27, the head of the Research and Technology Center at the Iranian Defense Ministry, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was killed in an assassination operation.No group or entity has claimed responsibility for this targeted assassination.


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