
World Leaders Amazed by Iran’s Handling of Economic War: President

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted his administration’s success in ensuring a steady supply of basic needs under three years of tough sanctions, saying such perseverance has astonished many world leaders.


Speaking at an event held on Thursday to inaugurate new power projects across Iran, Rouhani said his administration has successfully dealt with a full-blown economic war imposed on Iran over the past three years.

“Nobody, neither the US nor Europe, would have thought that Iran could withstand such an economic war very well,” he added.

There has been no water, power, or gas outage in Iran during these three years and the country has not been forced to purchase diesel from abroad, Rouhani noted, adding that many world leaders wonder how the administration has managed to run the country.

Expressing confidence that Iran will weather the coronavirus crisis as well, the president said the country’s situation under the pandemic is not worse than the Western states.

The administration has brought the situation under control with a two-week plan, he said of the restrictions to tackle the COVID-19 transmission in Iran.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rouhani reiterated the administration’s opposition to a parliamentary bill that requires the government to suspend the voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

The president urged the lawmakers to let the professionals handle diplomacy with patience, prudence, and long experience of defeating the US at the United Nations.


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