✨? made a lil ab workout video @therunwayriot its 3 exercises I love that you can do anywhere basic but you should feel it????✨#iskralawrence #everyBODYisbeautiful by @jbadou wearing @aerie ?no airbrush but there is a filter cus I know some of y'all gonna mention it ? #nochill A photo posted by ?iskra✨ (@iamiskra) on
Iskra je plus-sajz model i reklamira garderobu namenjenu damama krupnije građe. Nekoliko puta je isticala da voli svoje telo i ne planira da smrša.✨✋? thanks whoever reported this and thanks @instagram for deciding to taken it down ? because guess what I'm just gonna post it again ??? because bralettes & sweats are my fave @aerie #iskralawrence #everyBODYisbeautiful don't let anyone stop you from doing you ?✨???? ?no airbrush A photo posted by ?iskra✨ (@iamiskra) on
- Kada sam imala oko 18 godina, shvatila sam da umesto što pokušavam da promenim svoje telo kako bih stala u manje veličine, promeniću celu industriju. Kada sam potpisala ugovor sa mojom sadašnjom agencijom, oni su mi pomogli da shvatim da mogu da budem uspešna manekenka i u svojoj veličini. Tako sam se onda fokusirala na to da budem najbolja verzija sebe - izjavila je Iskra za Dejli mejl.✨? my momma is bomb at #OOTD pics ? I love you ?✨? going to miss you A photo posted by ?iskra✨ (@iamiskra) on
??going for a swim in the jungle yesterday?? doing a meet & greet TODAY 6-6.30pm at plaza las Americas mall in Puerto Rico at the Aerie store! ?no filter? no retouching, because who says cellulite is a flaw - YOU decide what beauty is and it's deeper than skin deep? #iskralawrence #everyBODYisbeautiful A photo posted by ?iskra✨ (@iamiskra) on
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