- LJudi ne priznaju da Hezbolah ima aktivne ćelije. Iranci utiču na stanovnike Venecuele – rekao je Pompeo Reganu.
- Imamo obavezu da razmotrimo takve rizike - dodao je Pompeo.
Retired U.S. Army Major General Bob Scales on #Hezbollah in Venezuela : “Hezbollah has been in South America since the 80’s… Hezbollah always goes to the dark spots. They always find those weak corners of the world… this is 900 miles from our southern border." #TrishReganpic.twitter.com/AcVPGQ4dpp
— Trish Regan (@trish_regan) February 7, 2019
Komentari Pompea došli su samo nekoliko sati nakon što je penzionisani general američke vojske Bob Skejls izneo istu tvrdnju, ali je dodao da je Hezbolah u Južnoj Americi od 1980-ih.
.@SecPompeo confirms to me exclusively that #Hezbollah is active in #venezuela - WATCH: pic.twitter.com/kQm37SIhep
— Trish Regan (@trish_regan) February 7, 2019
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