
Russia developing two smaller hypersonic missiles for its TU-22M3 and SU-34 bombers

Testing of a new small-sized hypersonic missile “Ostrota” that is to be equipped on Russia’s bombers should begin next year, the source reported.

photo: South Front

Aircraft armed with such ammunition will become part of the Russian non-nuclear deterrent force.

The new missiles will help Russia maintain a leading position in this high-tech type of weapon. It is allegedly a way to deal an unstoppable strike against the most protected objects.

The new missile will be used by long-range bombers Tu-22M3 and operational-tactical Su-34, sources in the defense department told Izvestia. The start of flight tests of the ammunition, which does not yet have an official designation, is scheduled for 2022, follows from the schedule of work on the project (available to Izvestia). The development is carried out as part of the development work under the code “Ostrota” in the machine-building design bureau “Raduga” them. AND I. Bereznyak.

A ramjet engine known as Product 71 has been developed specifically for the new super-high-speed rocket. Its creation was entrusted to the Turaevsky Machine-Building Design Bureau “Soyuz” (part of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation).

On Thursday, May 20, Vladimir Putin announced that Russia has a new type of strategic weapon – the Avangard hypersonic gliding block with an intercontinental range. The President noted that no one except the Russian Federation has such weapons, and they continue to develop.

In February of this year, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that it is the hypersonic systems of various bases that will be the basis of the Russian non-nuclear deterrent forces. The minister held a meeting on additional purchases of such weapons, as well as long-range precision missiles.

The Gremlin long-range hypersonic missile is also being developed for Tu-22M3 bombers, the tests of which should be completed in 2023. Sharpness will have a shorter range compared to it.

There is no official information on the characteristics of these projects, but, apparently, the hypersonic complexes that are now being created for operational-tactical aviation can be simultaneously used on strategic aviation aircraft. Long-range bombers Tu-22M3 belong to it, military expert Dmitry Kornev explained to Izvestia.

Su-34 and Tu-22M3 bombers belonging to strategic and operational-tactical aviation should receive a new small-sized hypersonic missile.

The Tu-22M3 long-range supersonic bomber is designed to engage sea and ground targets with guided missiles and aerial bombs. The first sample took off for the first time on June 20, 1977. The very next year, it was launched into mass production.

In total, about 500 Tu-22Ms of various modifications were built. The bomber was used in hostilities in Afghanistan, South Ossetia and Syria.

In 2018, as part of a large-scale modernization program, an improved Tu-22M3M bomber was created. It was equipped with a new complex of modern airborne electronic equipment (avionics) based on domestic components. The work carried out has significantly expanded the potential of the aviation complex, increased its combat effectiveness and range. 

source: South Front

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