
U.S. diplomat steals Russian railroad sign, for some reason, gets deported

A US embassy employee stole a railroad sign in Russia’s Tver Region in spring 2021, endangering the lives of train passengers, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova disclosed in her Telegram channel on July 12th.

Photo: South Front

The incident occurred at the Ostashkov railway station in the spring of 2021. After the loss was discovered, the police found on cameras that an unknown 30-year-old man had stolen the sign and put it in the trunk of his car.

“What is not funny is the danger that the US citizen put the lives and health of train passengers in. The Ostashkov hub is a rather busy part of the railroad. A railroad is a high danger area. If the missing sign was not discovered promptly, a tragedy could have happened,” she said.

According to Zakharova, this story became known due to police pre-investigation actions. Police officers determined that an unidentified man stole the switch sign and put it in the trunk of a car with red (diplomatic) license plates.

“The very same day, a car with the same license plate was pulled by traffic police in the Tver region for a traffic rules violation. The car was driven by an employee of the American embassy who fit the description,” the diplomat said.

She added that the embassy employee retained his diplomatic immunity but had to return to the US.

Zakharova commonly makes various comments and discloses information in regard to the situations the Russian Foreign Ministry comes across, or the charades of the US diplomats.

Separately, on July 11th she said that a number of legislative acts recently adopted in individual states of the United States testify to the existing split in the country, as well as to the intensification of “culture wars” in the United States.

In particular, the California attorney general has banned local civil servants from traveling to a number of other regions of the country. The reason, the diplomat noted, is the difference in political views of Sacramento from the position of 17 states on gender issues.

“In general, even in the perverse logic of the American left-liberal ideology, many legislators at the regional level understand that one cannot go too far, especially in matters concerning children and youth. But the liberal dictatorship has a different opinion. – Zakharova noted. – It cannot be ruled out that the travel ban is only the beginning of the pressure of the richest state in the United States on the less well-to-do regions.”

As such, various acts that have no explanation at all are not so uncommon.

Source: South Front

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