
36 Taliban militants killed in gov't security forces' offensive N. Afghanistan

Thirty-six Taliban militants were killed and 21 militants wounded in embattled Kunduz city, capital of northern Afghan province of Kunduz on Monday, the country's Ministry of Defense confirmed on Tuesday.

Photo: South Front

The ministry said in a statement that Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) and Afghan Special Operations Forces targeted a Taliban aggregation in Sah Darak and Sahsad Famely localities, leaving the above casualties on the side of the militants.

The militants tried to attack ANDSF positions, the statement said, adding amount of Taliban militants' weapons and ammunition were also destroyed.

The northern Afghan provinces have been the scene of heavy battles in recent weeks as Taliban militants continued their fighting against government security forces and captured several suburban districts since the drawdown of U.S. troops on May 1.

The withdrawal is expected to be completed before Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that drew the United States into war in Afghanistan.

The militants group has yet to make comments

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