
Iran gears up to repel US strikes expected before Trump leaves white house

Iran deployed defensive military systems on its coast after the assassination of the country’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, last month, CNN reported on December 10, citing U.S. officials.


The officials claimed that Iran may be preparing for a possible attack by Israel or the United States. Tehran has been maintaining its military readiness since the assassination of Fakhrizadeh on November 27.

Iran’s recent defensive moves employed the deployment of warships, including mine-laying ships in the Strait of Hormuz. U.S. officials didn’t provide CNN with any details. However, they said there is no indication that new mines are being laid as for now.

Two advanced long-range air-defense systems, the S-200 and the S-300, were also deployed by the Iranian military on the Persian Gulf coast.

Top Iranian officials held Israel responsible for the assassination of Fakhrizadeh. U.S. officials told CNN that they also believe Tel Aviv was behind the assassination.

Iran’s military measures were not limited to its territory. In Iraq, Iranian-backed Shiite groups moved to a “heightened level of preparation.” U.S. officials believe that these groups may be preparing to attack U.S. troops or diplomatic mission in Iraq.

One official described the situation in Iraq as “worrisome,” revealing that Iranian-backed groups already have all the weapons “capability” they need to launch attacks.

In an attempt to deter Iran, the U.S. military flew on December 10 two B-52H bombers from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana to the Persian Gulf in a “short-notice, non-stop” mission.

Iran’s threats to avenge the assassination of Fakhrizadeh are disturbing the U.S. Israel is without a doubt benefiting from the growing tension between Tehran and Washington. The tension will prevent any talks between the two countries for the time being.

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