
Tornado, hailstones kill at least three in Czech Republic

At least three people have died and hundreds were injured when a tornado and hailstones hit the South Moravia Region of the Czech Republic on Thursday night, according to a local media report.

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Through the night, rescuers have transferred 63 people to a local hospital, including ten who got severely injured, according to the Czech News Agency (CTK), quoting a medical rescue service spokeswoman.

"We failed to save three patients' lives," said the spokeswoman.

She also said that there were dozens of others treated by the rescuers at the scene, while some other people sought aid at the hospital on their own.

Firefighters were still searching the ruins of devastated buildings, she said.

The tornado also caused extensive power outages and traffic disruptions. Over 75,000 households and companies have been left without power as of Friday morning, according to the CTK report.


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