
Kenyan 'dead' man shows up in village four months after funeral

Village in shock as man presumed dead and buried returns home, as questions emerge on identity of body picked from mortuary.


Steven Ouma fled when he saw his brother Steven Ogolla, who just four months earlier the family had conducted his burial.

Ogolla who had been away from home for about four months was looking forward to be with his family. But his brother Ouma was convinced that he had seen a ghost: his elder brother Ogolla was dead and buried.

“I couldn’t tell how a brother, whose body we had identified and buried could be alive,” says Ouma.

Ogolla, 40, stood helplessly. He had no idea what was going on. He wondered why the people he knew very well were treating him with a lot of suspicion and were unwilling to come close to him. To Ogolla, it seemed like a script straight out of a movie, and the plot thickened after some boda boda operators carried him and handed him to police officers at Matayos Police Post.

When The Sunday Standard met Ogolla yesterday at the police post, he was still confused by the news that his family had “buried” him.

But the biggest question is, who is the dead man the family buried?


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