
Large Turkish military convoy enters northwestern Syria

 For the second time in a week, a large Turkish military convoy has entered the northwestern region of Syria from the neighboring Hatay Province.


According to reports from opposition activists, the Turkish military convoy crossed into Syria’s Idlib Governorate from the Hatay Province, making their way to one of several observation posts that were setup inside the Arab Republic.

The Turkish military convoy reportedly consisted of several soldiers that were traveling with a large amount of military equipment destined for the observation posts in the Idlib countryside.

This Turkish military convoy entered Syria on Tuesday morning, coinciding with the withdrawal of some of their forces at an observation post in northwestern Syria.

A source from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) told Al-Masdar on Tuesday that the Turkish military began withdrawing their forces and equipment from the important Rashideen 5 area of Aleppo, which is currently besieged by the government forces.

While Syria and Turkey have no diplomatic ties, they maintain communication through their intermediary, Russia.

Per an agreement with their Russian counterparts in the Syrian Arab Republic, the Turkish Armed Forces are given safe passage in these areas besieged by the Syrian Arab Army until they reach the militant-held regions.


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