
Saudi Coalition bombs horse stable in Yemeni capital

 The Saudi-led Coalition carried out more than 40 sorties over northwestern Yemen on Friday, targeting several areas under the control of the Ansarallah Movement.


Among the primary targets was the densely populated Sanaa Governorate, which witnessed several airstrikes from the Saudi-led Coalition, including a powerful attack on a military academy inside the capital.

 According to Yemeni activists, while the Saudi-led Coalition warplanes were bombing the military academy, they also hit a stable that housed several horses.

Graphic images of dead and wounded horses were later shared on social media, prompting outrage from many activists, who condemned the Saudi-led Coalition’s attacks on the northwestern region of Yemen.

The Saudi-led Coalition maintains their large-scale attack on northwestern Yemen was in retaliation for the Ansarallah missile strike on the Saudi Aramco facility in the port-city of Jeddah.

However, the Ansarallah Movement said their attack was in retaliation for the Saudi-led Coalition bombings and ongoing land, air and sea siege that has been imposed on the people of northwestern Yemen.


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