
Israel defense forces shell Lebanon following alleged rocket attack

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) artillery struck Lebanon in response to 2 rockets fired towards Israeli territory.

Photo: South Front

There were no reports of injuries or damage, and the army said there were currently no special instructions for residents of the region.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that Lebanon was responsible for the overnight rocket attack since it “allows terrorists to operate within its territory.”

“Israel will act against any threat to its sovereignty and its citizens, and will respond in accordance to its interests — at the relevant time and place,” Gantz said, adding that Israel “will not allow the social, political and economic crisis in Lebanon to turn into a security threat to Israel.”

Gantz also called upon the international community to act to restore stability to Lebanon, amid what the World Bank says is one of the world’s worst financial crises since the 1850s.

The attack came some four hours after Syrian state media said Israeli aircraft launched a number of missiles at targets near the Syrian city of Aleppo and following clashes on the Temple Mount between Israel Police and Muslim protesters on the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.

The Israeli military believes the rockets were fired by a Palestinian group in southern Lebanon, not by Hezbollah.

In response, the army said it had fired artillery shells at the source of the rocket fire, in Lebanon’s Wadi Hamoul region. This was also the area from which rockets were fired at Israel in May.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the alleged Israeli strikes targeted weapons depots that belong to Iranian-backed militia operating in Aleppo’s Safira region. The group said the strikes were followed by loud explosions. The weapons depots were located inside Syrian military posts, the group said.

The reported attack took place on the eve of Eid Al-Adha, one of Islam’s holiest holidays.

Israel has launched hundreds of strikes against Iran-linked military targets in Syria over the years but rarely acknowledges or discusses such operations. Last month, Israel reportedly carried out an attack on targets in central Syria.

Israel fears Iranian entrenchment on its northern frontier, and it has repeatedly struck Iran-linked facilities and weapons convoys destined for Hezbollah.

Source: South Front

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