
Azerbaijani forces enter last area in Karabakh as part of Moscow agreement

The Azerbaijani army announced that its forces entered the Lachin region, the third and last to be handed over from Armenia, according to the agreement signed on November 9 between Baku and Yerevan under the auspices of Russia.


The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said in their statement, that “units of the Azerbaijani army entered the Lachin region on the 1st of December, in implementation of the ceasefire agreement signed on the 9th of November between Baku and Yerevan under the auspices of Russia.”

It is reported that on November 9, Armenia and Azerbaijan signed a ceasefire agreement in Karabakh, with the deal entering into force on the following day.
The Kremlin announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin, his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev, and the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, signed a joint declaration on a comprehensive ceasefire in Karabakh.

The declaration of the ceasefire stipulates that the Armenian and Azerbaijani forces will stop at their current locations, and the Russian peacekeepers will be deployed along the line of contact in Karabakh and the corridor connecting the Armenian lands and Karabakh.

The agreement also includes lifting restrictions on movement, transit and the exchange of prisoners between the two parties to the conflict, and the return of the displaced to Karabakh, under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The roots of the Karabakh conflict can be traced back to February of 1988, when the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous District declared its secession from the Azerbaijan SSR.

In the context of the armed confrontation that took place between 1992 and 1994, Azerbaijan lost its control over Karabakh and other adjacent areas.


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