
Row after Afghan ambassador to Pakistan’s daughter kidnapped, tortured and released in Islamabad

The daughter of the Afghan ambassador to Pakistan Najibullah Alikhail was kidnapped on Friday by unknown gunmen.

Photo: Pixabay

She was released after five hours of torture and was admitted to a hospital.

“On July 16, 2021, daughter of Afghan ambassador to Islamabad, Silsila Alikhil, was abducted for several hrs & severely tortured by unknown individuals on her way home. After being released from kidnappers' captivity, she's in medical care at a hospital,” says the Afghanistan Foreign Ministry. The Afghan government has demanded an explanation from the Pakistani government and has asked it to “identify and prosecute the perpetrators as soon as possible”.

Afghan Foreign ministry in a press release says that the Afghan government strongly condemns this heinous act and expresses its deep concern over the safety and security of diplomats, their families and staff members of the Afghan political and consular missions in Pakistan.

It has told the Government of Pakistan to take the necessary and immediate action to ensure the full security of the Afghan Embassy and Consulate and the immunity of the country's diplomats and their families, in accordance with international treaties and commitments.

“We condemn this disgraceful act in strongest words & urge Pak to take steps to secure diplomats & their families,” the statement added.

According to a senior Pakistani journalist, “Afghan envoy's daughter was abducted from the Blue Area in Islamabad where she went to buy a gift for a younger brother. She was thrown after 5 hours with her hands & feet tied. A tissue paper & rupees 50 note with the message “your turn is next “ & “ communist” tied to her dupatta”

The shocking kidnapping of Afghanistan’s top diplomat's daughter demonstrates that Kabul-Islamabad relations have touched a new low, and are getting nasty and personal.

 On Friday, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan, openly and publicly engaged in a bitter war of words during a high profile connectivity conference in Tashkent.

 During the prickly encounter sparks flew-thick-and fast between the two leaders, revealing an unassailable gulf that cannot be exactly bridged when the two are going for the jugular in prime accusatory mode.

 The delegations fed from the corrosive chemistry between their two chieftains, which expectedly yielded a public spat, rancour and bad blood—all bad omens at a time when civil war, with seismic geopolitical implications, is brewing in the heart of the Hindukush mountains.

“Intelligence estimates indicate the influx of over 10,000 jihadi fighters from Pakistan and other places in the last month, as well as, support from their affiliates and the transnational terrorist organizations,” Ghani asserted.

 Ghani was unstoppable. He added: “Contrary to the repeated assurances by Prime Minister Khan and his generals that Pakistan does not find a Taliban take over in Afghanistan in Pakistan’s interest, and assurances of its use of force will use its power to influence to make the Taliban negotiate seriously, networks and organizations supporting the Taliban are openly celebrating the destruction of assets and capabilities of the Afghan people and state,” a stunned Khan was forced to listen as Ghani raged on.

But a rattled Khan, did eventually hit back, but far more mildly, telling Ghani that it was “unfair” to blame Pakistan for the situation in Afghanistan.

On the contrary, the Pak PM pinned the blame for a rapidly capsizing Afghanistan on the US and Ghani. He stressed that it was in fact, Pakistan that used its “influence” to get the Taliban on the negotiation table.

The prominent politician and member of the Pakistani National Assembly, Mohsin Dawar has asked for immediate actions by his government.

 “Shocked to know that the daughter of Afghan Ambassador Najibullah Alikhel was kidnapped & tortured. This is an extremely shameful & disgraceful act that demands immediate punishment. The safe city cameras MUST have evidence. We express solidarity with the ambassador & his family.”

Hamid Mir, a prominent journalist wrote on Twitter: “It’s very unfortunate that daughter of Afghan Ambassador in Pakistan was kidnapped from the capital Islamabad, tortured and then thrown back. What is the use of expensive safe city cameras? Many journalists including one police officer kidnapped from Islamabad no case resolved yet.”

Since the surge of violence by the Taliban, Afghanistan has told Pakistan to provide adequate security to its diplomats and their families in Pakistan.


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