
Afghan forces evict Taliban militants from around Kunduz city: police

The Afghan special forces have evicted the Taliban fighters from several villages from around Kunduz city, capital of the northern Kunduz province, after killing 10 militants on Friday, provincial police chief Zabardast Khan Safi said.

Photo: Xinhua

Units of Special Force attacked Taliban hideouts and positions in Charkhab, Kandak Anayat and Tepa Murch villages early Friday morning, forcing the insurgents to evacuate several villages around Kunduz city after suffering casualties and leaving 10 bodies behind, Khan said.

Five more militants were injured, the official said, adding that no security personnel has been harmed during the ongoing operation.

Taliban militants, who have been mounting pressure on the provincial capital Kunduz city, have not made comment yet.

The government forces captured Karukh district in the western Herat province early Friday, according to local officials.

Spokesman for the Defense Ministry Fawad Aman has said that the government forces would soon launch counter-offensives to recapture all the districts overrun by Taliban outfit since the start of the U.S.-led forces withdrawal from Afghanistan early May.


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