
Gunmen kill 34 in western Ethiopia bus attack

Gunmen in western Ethiopia killed at least 34 people in an attack on a bus on Saturday night, the national human rights body said on Sunday, as fears grow of a security vacuum in the country amid a military campaign in the north.


The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said the number of people killed was likely to rise after what it called a “gruesome” attack on the passenger bus in the Benishangul-Gumuz region.

“The latest attack is a grim addition to the human cost which we bear collectively,” Daniel Bekele, commission head, said in a statement.

The human rights body said the bus attack occurred in the Debate administrative area, and that “there are reports of similar attacks” in three other areas, as well as “of persons who have fled to seek shelter”.Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government has provided scant information on recent violence in Benishangul-Gumuz, particularly in Metekel zone, where Debate is located.

Twelve people were killed in an attack in the zone in October, while 15 died in a similar attack in late September.

Addressing lawmakers in October, Abiy said fighters responsible for the killings were receiving training and shelter in neighboring Sudan and that Khartoum’s assistance was needed to stabilize the area.


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