
New escalation: Gunmen attacked 12 checkpoints of government forces in Daraa

Gunmen attacked a number of checkpoints of Syrian government forces in different parts of the southern governorate of Daraa.

photo: Southfront

The attacks were allegedly carried out in support of former rebels in western Daraa, who may soon face a large military operation by government forces. Earlier this week, senior officers of the Syrian Arab Army asked the rebels to expel six infamous militants and hand over what’s left of their heavy weapons.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, twelve checkpoints in the western, northern and eastern parts of Daraa came under attack.

“The attacks didn’t result in any casualties,” the London-based monitoring group said in a report.

Pro-government sources didn’t report any attacks or losses in Daraa. Some even said that the reports of attacks were false and nothing more than a propaganda stunt by the opposition.

Former rebels in western Daraa are yet to fulfill all the demands of the government. A deadline set by the army ended on January 28 morning.

The situation in Daraa may quickly escalate in the upcoming few hours. An attack by the Syrian military will likely lead to a serious confrontation in the western countryside.


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