
Turkish army and its allied militants launch powerful attacks across northern Syria

The Turkish army, alongside their allied militants, launched heavy attacks across the northern region of Syria on Friday, as they continued their campaign east of the Euphrates.

photo: youtube

According to a field source in the Aleppo Governorate, the Turkish army and their allied militants began their attack on Friday by heavily targeting the Tal Tamr area of Al-Hasakah.

The source said the attack was led by the Turkish-backed militants, who repeatedly fired artillery and rockets toward this strategic area in western Al-Hasakah, prompting both the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to increase their security.

Meanwhile, in the northern countryside of the Al-Raqqa Governorate, the Turkish army and its allied militants rained artillery along the Ain Issa front, hitting several areas around this strategic town located north of the administrative capital.

This attack on Ain Issa has intensified over the last few hours, with the Turkish-backed militants firing rockets toward the front-line village of Al-Musharifah.

The source added that the Syrian Arab Army has spotted Turkish drones flying over the Ain Issa area, while their allied militants continuously target the villages and hamlets of northern Al-Raqqa.

The Turkish military’s campaign in the northern countryside of the Al-Raqqa has created a mass displacement of residents from the area, with growing fears that they may eventually launch an attack to capture Ain Issa from the Syrian Democratic Forces.


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