
After harrasment from Turkish forces, Russian military police deploy reinforcement in Syria’s Manbij (Video)

On February 11, the Russian Military Police deployed reinforcements near the northern Syrian town of Manbij, which is held by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Photo: Southfront

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the reinforcements, which consisted of several armored vehicles and eight trucks, were deployed in a base of the Russian Military Police in the village of Asalijja west of Manbij.

The Russian Military Police base in Asalijja is located right on the frontline separating the SDF from Turkish-occupied areas in northern Aleppo.

The deployment of additional reinforcement in Manbij came two days after an incident in which Turkish forces opened fire at a Russian unit deployed there. The unit, which was conducting a patrol in the town of Qiratah, was targeted with mortars and heavy machine guns. No losses were reported.

Several units of the Russian Military Police and the Syrian Arab Army are present in the outskirts of Manbij to prevent a direct confrontation between the SDF and Turkish forces.

Russian and Syrian forces enjoy close relations with the SDF’s local branch in Manbij, the Manbij Military Council. The cooperation between the two sides is apparently bothering Turkey, which has been eyeing Manbij for a while now.


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