
Mysterious strike destroys Iranian weapons shipment on Syrian-Iraqi border (Video)

On February 11, a truck moving supplies for an Iranian-backed unit, al-Haydariyun, was targeted near Syria’s border with Iraq.

Photo: Southfront

According to the Resistance Media Network, the truck was targeted by a drone likely operated by the US military. The network, which is close to Iranian-backed forces, shared footage from the strike scene. The footage shows the truck, which was apparently carrying ammunition, burning in the Syria side of the border.

No human losses were reported as a result of the mysterious strike, which left the truck and its heavy load completely destroyed.

Al-Haydariyun is a unit of Iraqi Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba. The unit operates in southern Deir Ezzor with support from the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Or Heller, military correspondent of Israel’s Channel 10, called the strike “unusual.” He went on to claim that the truck was carrying “bad Iranian weapons.”

The US military may have carried out the strike in response to the repeated attacks on its supply convoys in Iraq. It is also possible that the Iranian weapons shipment was targeted by the Israeli Air Force.

Last month, a series of Israeli airstrikes targeted a network of ammunition depots and military positions in Deir Ezzor. The Syrian Arab Army is yet to deploy air-defense systems in the region, likely due to the lack of resources.


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