
Turkey sentenced 2 Syrians for 20 years in prison over claims that they were members of SDF

A Turkish court sentenced 2 Syrian youths, who were arrested inside the Syrian territory and illegally transferred to Turkey, to 20 years in prison.

Photo: Youtube

Informed sources reported that the court ruling against Izzo Khalil Al-Majo and Hussein Muhammad Al-Ezzo was issued a week ago. They were detained by pro-Turkish factions in the Syrian city of Ras Al-Ain in the northwestern countryside of Al-Hasakah in late 2019. They were accused of joining the SDF and fighting the Turkish Army.

The sources pointed out that the 2 men are currently kept in the Turkish prison “Urfa” to which the people arrested by pro-Turkish factions inside Syria are transferred.

The court ruling came amid a report published by the Human Rights Watch, in which it confirmed the existence of documents confirming the arrest of 63 Syrian citizens in northeastern Syria and their illegal transfer to Turkey for trial over various charges that may reach life imprisonment. The report claims that there is evidence and reports indicating that the number of Syrians illegally transferred to Turkish prisons may reach 200 people.

Most of these people were detained and imprisoned in violation of their human rights and established international norms. Turkish proxies illegally detain people in northern Syria and transfer them to Turkey, where they face no transparent investigation, are detained their basic rights, not able to hire a lawyer or defend themselves.

source:southfront.org/Khaled Iskef

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