
Iranian-backed forces threaten Riyadh with more strikes (Map update)

A mysterious group published a threat showing missiles attacking Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s capital.

Photo: Southfront

It is unclear from which group it originates, but it is likely that it is from the Righteous Promise Brigades [Alwiyat Al Wa’ad Al Haq].

It is the group responsible for the recent missile attack on Riyadh, in which missiles were intercepted in the skies above the city.
The group is reportedly Iranian-backed, and it is from Iraq.After the attack on Riyadh, it also threatened the UAE.

On January 27, the mysterious armed group released a poster showing a drone attacking Burj Khalifa in the Emirate of Dubai. Rising at 829.8 meters, Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest structure and building.

In its first statement, the RPB threatened to launch an attack on the UAE, namely on Dubai. The new poster reinforces this threat.

“The second blow will be on the dens of evil in Dubai, with the help of the Almighty, if the crimes of Bin Salman [Saudi Crown Prince] and Bin Zayed [UAE Crown Prince] are repeated,” the statement reads.

The RPB said its first attack on Riyadh was a response to the January 21 bombings in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. ISIS claimed responsibility for the bombings. However, the RPB blamed Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

There is no attack on the UAE yet, and this is the second threat on Riyadh, if it was from the same group.


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