
Saudi-led coalition reportedly destroys two Houthi drones launched towards kingdom

Earlier, a military coalition of Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia intercepted and destroyed an unmanned drone launched by Yemen's Houthi movement in the skies over the Yemeni city of Marib.

Photo: Youtube

The Saudi-led coalition said it had intercepted and destroyed two armed drones launched by the Houthis, according to Saudi state television.

According to reports, the Houthis attacked Abha Airport in southern Saudi Arabia causing a fire in a civilian plane – it was eventually put out.

A civil war between the Yemeni government forces, led by President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, and the Shia Houthi movement is ongoing since 2014. The Saudi-led coalition of Arab states entered the conflict on the side of the government in 2015, after the Houthis made significant gains during the early days of clashes. The rebel movement controls the capital Sanaa and large areas in northern and western Yemen.

Since then, the coalition has been conducting air, land and sea operations against the rebels, who control the official capital of Sanaa and large areas in northern and western Yemen.

source:sputniknews.com/Maxim Minaev

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